Monday, May 8, 2017

Occasions 2017 Swaps #17 and 18

Welcome to Team Swap Monday!  Today I am sharing two sweet cards.  They are made by Becky Roberts and Julie Robinson.

This is the Balloon Adventures bundle, you can see it here.

And this is the Cool Treats Bundle, you can see it here.

These products are from our popular Occasions catalog.  You can shop for these discounted bundles until May 31st.

Thank you for visiting with me today.  I welcome you to return to join me for my other weekly installments:

Monday is always Team Swap Monday
Wednesday and Friday feature designs made by me.

I hope you like today's post - you can subscribe off to the right to be the first to receive all of my new posts.

My online store is open 24 hours at

If you place order of $75-$149.99 before May 29th, with my hostess code (below), you will receive a gift from me, a free package of metal rimmed pearls!

Orders of $150+ get the free gift and qualify for Stampin' Rewards.

I always love your comments, please let me know you were here, even a simple "Hello" makes my day :-) 

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