Monday, October 8, 2018

Team Swap Monday and Flash Sale - Cauldron Bubble

Hello stampers and welcome back to our Team Swap Monday series!   My stamping teammates and I create designs from our new catalog, we swap our cards, and then I love to share the inspiring designs with you each Monday.  I'm featuring designs using products from our 2018 Holiday Catalog today.

Today's first swap is designed by Carla.  She used the Cauldron Bubble bundle from our 2018 Holiday Catalog.
Her card is a fancy fold design.

When it opens the interior portion has Whisper White card stock for writing a note, and it is stamped with a cute frog.

She used this adorable Cauldron Bubbles bundle, see it online here.
Cauldron Bubble Clear-Mount Bundle
and the coordinating Toil and Trouble Designer Series Paper, see it online  here.  The framelits coordinate to cut out the images in this DSP.

We’re having a $5 flash sale for this product that is normally $20! (includes shipping) Check it out (and support me!) for the cost of what you would spend to buy one latte. There’s a special link you can use so your order connects to me. Maybe give the kit as a gift?! Get your coworkers, neighbors, family to also buy one and make it together

Note that the special pricing has a limited number so order today, before they run out of stock.  If they do exhaust the October supply then new subscribers will be given the promotion for the November kit. It does end on Wednesday.
Buy the $5 kit here:
Promo code: FLASH1018
Did you subscribe long ago and want to try it out again? Use a different email address to set up your account and you can get this $5 flash sale price! (same name, address, billing is ok)

Please contact me or your demonstrator with any questions.  If you don't have a demonstrator, then I am happy to help you get started with an order.  My online store is open 24 hours at

Monday is usually Team Swap Monday.
Wednesday and Friday/Saturday feature designs made by me.

Thank you for joining me today, please leave a comment to say "Hello" - it makes my day to see your comments!

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